Sandpoint Senior Center
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Thursday, 8:00 – 3:00
Friday, 8:00 – noon
Lunch: Monday-Thursday, 11:30
Monthly Breakfast Buffet: Last Friday of The Month, 8:30
If you are age 60 or above, meals are on a donation basis. Suggested donation is $7.00. If you are under 60 years old it is a mandatory charge of $10.00 (which includes tax).
Are You Looking to Donate?
SASi is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Every dollar donated helps us provide meals and hours of care for our community’s elders! There are a number of ways to make your donation:
PayPal: Click here to donate through PayPal
Check: mail to Sandpoint Area Seniors, Inc., 820 Main Street, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864
Credit card: Click here or call 208.263.6860 to donate with a Credit Card.
Yokes Community Card: When you shop at Yokes and show them your Community Card, they will donate up to 5% of your purchase total to us. Click to sign up.
Please feel welcome to join us for a scrumptious meal or explore one of our weekly events. We invite everyone to come and participate. We kindly request that you call ahead and reserve your spot.
“Sandpoint Area Seniors, Inc. is an organization that celebrates the richness and diversity of the senior community of Bonner County. All are welcome to participate in any of our programs or activities regardless of race, socio-economic status, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, gender or marital status. We will not tolerate discrimination, biases, harassment, or bullying of any kind – of our patrons, in our workforce, or in our dealings with the public.”
Covid-19 Update
SASI is still following COVID guidelines and need your help to keep everyone who visits us safe. We are not requiring anyone to wear a mask if they have been vaccinated. If you haven’t been vaccinated, we encourage you to wear a mask to protect our staff and patrons. As always, if you do not feel well, please stay home until you do. Reservations are required due to the limited seating, so please call 208-263-6860 to reserve your spot by 9:30am.
Thank you to our donors!
See all on the community support page.